
I am here to share my own experience and narrative with loss from a place of authenticity and empowerment. I want to provide a comforting safe, space for others to share what their own healing path has felt like while having complete autonomy and control over their ongoing, healing journey. I want to provide a safe space for others to share their own stories towards helping them rebuild. Nothing I discuss here is intended to be medical advice or a prescription for medical care. I am discussing loss merely from a transformational, holistic perspective only. There might be some challenging content for where you are at this time. For that reason, this course may not be the forum for you professionally at this time. if you have any explicit feelings around loss, please consult a mental health professional if you need mental health support or treatment. If you are already receiving treatment, please do not change any part of your own professional treatment plan or care based on any content I discuss here. I am discussing loss merely from the perspective of someone who has experienced it in a profound way and found the grace and peace to move on from it.